First Dream:
I was in a mall with someone (hmm.. I think I was with a guy) and decided to play in the arcade. There was this one machine I remember most that I played on in my dream. It's like a Dance Dance Revolution - Tap Tap Revenge - Air Hockey mix. Okay I know - I get too much imaginative in my dreams. ^_^ The first levels would be like Dance Dance Revolution - Tap Tap Revenge. A music will play while buttons in the screen would go down and I had to hit in time to get points, and after the half part - everything changes. Okay, the machine was like a screen - more likely a cube - with this vertical rectangular stand, a see-through box below where stuff toys were placed, and an inclined plain where things go out. And it was red. Back to the game. The next half was entirely different. Instead of buttons go down the screen, literal buttons would travel on the inclined plain from the screen towards me where I had to hit them before they go below. And after that, the points would be calculated into number of chances I have for the crane game. But before continuing, I was asked if I wanted to continue or test my luck in a slot-machine to increase my chances. I picked the latter. I was winning until the guy I'm with messed up my game. ENDING: I LOST T_T
Second Dream: [Be warned: R-18 :))]
I think this would be the weirdest dream I ever had. Okay, here it goes. The setting would be in a school. I remember my dream being mostly in this beige coated hallways with persimmon doors, and myrtle green lockers, inside an egg white coated classrooms with black armchairs, and inside a library. The plot? My dream doesn't have any. :| I was with a couple of friends (one of them would be my co-app in KEM *i don't wanna name him* let's name him JUNJUN [>:)]), and we were walking in the hallways until this tall, broad-shouldered guy wearing black leather jacket asked us if the library had the three books he named which I barely remember. After that, we went inside the library. There were yellow couches arranged facing each other and a huge bookcase. Everyone got shouting. They said there was someone asking for a ransom for something (sorry, i vaguely remember this part). I was like LOST! I didn't know what was going on. I asked them where was the ransom-guy. And weirdly, they answered that he was inside the bookcase. Three books slid forward and fell off the bookcase, revealing a horizontal rectangular hole. This was where the ransom-guy was. I could only see his eyes, but he was wearing a weird mask that time, made funny faces, and was arrested. I concluded that the guy was the one we met in the hallways for the books that fell down were the ones he was looking for.
The next part I remember was we were in the classroom. The teacher was out, and grossly, a guy was giving a B*** J** to someone. And yes, my dream gets weirder. I was next to give him a B*** J**. Junjun interrupted me as he pulled me closer to him, and unzipped his pants. Yes, you're right - you know what comes next. He was eating something while I was doing it. Then he wiped his body with a chocolately substance and I licked them off of him. ----END---