Stepping on the campus of UP Diliman, I found it hard to cope with stuff - it was hard to manage my time. I was living in the city of Mandaluyong, about an hour away from the university, and my first subject was at 7AM. I had four straight subjects on my schedule with only an hour break before my last one. What made it harder was that the buildings were far away from each other. Some were like 6-8 minutes away. So I had to walk, brisk walk to be exact, just to make it on time for my next subject. I also established the fact, that after this semester, I would be thinner that ever.
Being used to having sections in High School, I wasn't prepared enough for new faces coming and leaving after an hour-and-a-half subject. I meet new people, with barely a smile on their faces, with their smiles slightly turned upside down. I don't blame them. Walking from building to building is stressing already, and it can surely take away the smile left on your face. I almost feel left out - alone - in every subject I enter. I had no one to talk to, no friends yet. I was almost alone, barely talking to my seatmates, just talking to no one but myself. It only took much courage to know someone's name.
The size and the weight of the books I needed to buy, made me want to go outside the building and get some fresh air. Yes, they were large and deadly heavy. By just looking at it, I got my early nosebleeds. I started wondering if I had sufficient neurons running in my brain to supply me some room for learning. If yes, I would wonder if I could handle the weight of the subject. If not, I would wonder if jogging would be a nice idea to stimulate some new neurons for memory backup. Everything was vague, everything was terrifying.
It took me some time to cope with reality that THIS IS COLLEGE. No more High School, no more bells that signify the end of each period, no more Principals inspecting haircuts, and no more assemblies. After some time, i started liking college. With my new friends around, I can never be left out.
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