

And Hunter Hayes sings

"I wanna make you feel better
Better than you fairy tales
Better than your best dreams
You're more than everything I need
You're all I ever wanted"

I wanna feel wanted, because no one
No on ever wanted me at all
I mess things up, i'm a failure
Everything with me has always hit the wall

This is me, this is who i am
This is me, this is DJ.
Be YOU they say.
But no one will like me that way.

I haven't felt wanted ever,
and listening to Hunter's song...
Makes me believe that I am wanted
I am wanted even in a song...

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The Boat

Ventured into the unknown,
my wooden craft
with the forces of the blue.
I hang on the wooden ledge.
Silver crescents,
aquatic hills.
This unsteady lullaby
made me ill.

Shining silver
blinding light,
ing sound.
A big ship.
My craft, an ant.
promises more pleasant.
Another honk-
ing sound.
Tempting to go,
tempting to join
the steady lullaby
and better life.
No. Never
I will let go.

Ventured into the unknown.
Unsteady lullaby.
I'm sick.
At least I'm on a boat
that I have loved
and I have known.

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