

Everyday in our lives, we encounter different kinds of people. There are people that are gentle, rushy, harsh, and many more. But despite these traits, they all have friends no matter what. We meet people and we communicate with them. Through means of communication, friendship forms. As time pass by, we become more familiar with our friends making us know their attitudes, their hobbies and their mood. Knowing these, it'll make us help them easier in their problems. Yes, it's true we all indeed have friends but what kind of friends do we have?

True Friend:
A true friend will be there for you in ups and downs. They help you in every problem you have. They lend their hand to you even knowing that they will risk something for helping you. They support you in your everything that happens in your life. They entered your life as if they are really chosen to be your guide, partner or whatever you want to call it. In happy times, they cheer for you. They celebrate with you. In sad times, they will always be there to cheer you up. They offer their shoulders for you to cry on. They help you no matter what. True friends accept you for who you are. In fact, they know you by heart. They know what you feel without even talking to them. A true friend is someone you should really cherish. Don't let them exit your life. It's normal having fights with your friends. But when in a fight, all sides (you and your friend) both feel sorry. They apologize in the right time and place. So don't let it happen that your true friend will just walk away and never return. Let them know you always welcome them in your heart.

Peer Pressure friends:
These are friends that affect you, your personality and your hobbies. There are three types of peer pressure: positive, negative and neutral. Positive peer pressure is a kind where you will develop traits of your friends that will help you in life. In neutral, nothing happens. In negative, it's really obvious. It's a kind where you will develop bad traits of your friends ruining your reputation and your own self. Pick the right friends to have a better self.

Friend A:
I don't know how to call this kind of friends. They are friends that will just be there in your ups. They cheer and celebrate for you. But when it comes to rainy days in your life, they will just disappear. It's as if they don't know you at all. It's as if you never met.

Friend B:
I don't know how to call this friends too. They are the people who will just be there beside you because of money. They will pretend to be so kind and sweet to you not knowing they're only there because of your riches. It's either you have lots of money they can borrow or you have debts to them that they will only approach you when they want you to pay for your debt.

FAKE friends:
Can be called plastics or hypocrites. They are soo totally fake. You shouldn't call them friends at all! They pretend to be a good friend but when you turn your back, they say stuff about you ruining your reputation.

Now, knowing these kinds of friends.. You should pick the right friends. It's like a strategy, pick the right friends and you'll be rich (not literally), pick the wrong friends, your life is ruined. Pick the right friends and be happy about it for they will always be there for you.

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